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E-Nini-Hassee August 2020 Newsletter: Choices
Much of the therapeutic work done at Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee is based on the Reality Therapy and Choice Theory techniques. This...

E-Nini-Hassee July 2020 Newsletter: Unconditional Positive Regard
If you have studied psychology, you may have come across the work of famed American Psychologist Carl Rogers. He was a humanistic...

E-Nini-Hassee June 2020 Newsletter: Congratulations Graduates!
This time of year, many high school graduates are celebrating their accomplishments. Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee congratulates the...

E-Nini-Hassee May 2020 Newsletter: A Word From the Girls...
Sometimes the perspective of children is all you need for a little clarity and grace. This month we share some of the powerful sentiments...

E-Nini-Hassee April 2020 Newsletter: Dedicated to Service in a Difficult Time
Chiefs Jack and Ruth Eckerd created Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee in the spirit of service. The more I read about Chief Jack Eckerd, I...

E-Nini-Hassee March 2020 Newsletter: I've Got the Music in Me
If you come tour the trails at Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee, you just may hear the wonderful chorus of the girls singing their favorite...

E-Nini-Hassee February 2020 Newsletter: You Grow Girl!
This month’s focus is the way Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee promotes a green planet and encourages the girls to be mindful about the...

E-Nini-Hassee January 2020 Newsletter: E-Nini-Hassee Skits
At Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee there is a time honored tradition before every home stay visit. Home stay visits are when the girls...

E-Nini-Hassee December 2019 Happy Holidays!
For this month’s newsletter Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee took a deep dive into spirituality. The girls were asked what spirituality...

E-Nini-Hassee November 2019 Newsletter Featuring: The Gift of Recovery
As Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee once again heads into the Holidays and another Turkey in the Hole Celebration, it is a time to reflect...

E-Nini-Hassee October 2019 Newsletter Featuring: Home is Where the Heart Is...
The path of a family to choose long term residential care for their loved one is incredibly difficult. From the start of admission, the...

E-Nini-Hassee September 2019 Newsletter Featuring: It's National Sewing Month
September is national sewing month and the girls at Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee are studying the arts during this current learning...

E-Nini-Hassee August 2019 Newsletter Featuring: Back to School
August is national back to school month! This month the highlight is the wonderful school at Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee. The on-campus...

E-Nini-Hassee July 2019 Newsletter Featuring: Question and Answer with Miss Carol Gardiner
What first brought you to Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee? Answer:Â When I applied I did not know what camp was or the incredible work that...

E-Nini-Hassee June 2019 Newsletter Featuring: 50 Years Strong
Sometimes to know where we are we must look back at where we came from. June 3rd marks the 50th Anniversary of E-Nini-Hassee. This is...

E-Nini-Hassee May 2019 Newsletter Featuring: Congratulations Graduate!
This month we share the graduation speech of one of our recent graduates: Today is the 18th of April. Right now, in front of you stands a...

E-Nini-Hassee April 2019 Newsletter Featuring: From Camper to Chief: How Camp Has Helped Me
It all started back in February of 2003, when I was just 16 years old. I thought I was grown up enough to make my own decisions on how my...

E-Nini-Hassee March 2019 Newsletter Featuring: Unexpected Lessons
We are all connected to one another through the moments and stories we share. As I ponder my twenty years working at Camp E-Nini-Hassee,...

E-Nini-Hassee February 2019 Newsletter Featuring: Warriors
We all know the story. A warrior is born. No one knows their name. Sometimes you don’t even know where they came from. They are scrawny,...

E-Nini-Hassee January 2019 Newsletter: A few questions with Nurse Kenia Lugo
What first brought you to Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee? In June of 2005 I saw an ad in our local paper that Camp E-Nini-Hassee was...
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