Our Outdoor Adventures
Therapeutic outdoor adventures boost girls’ self-esteem by offering them new opportunities for personal growth in ways many never thought was possible. Vital life skills such as leadership, teamwork, problem-solving and communication skills are learned through participating in outdoor adventure activities.

"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than [s]he seeks" - John Muir
Parents evaluating E-Nini-Hassee may wonder if their daughter will succeed here because she’s not an “outdoor type.”
In our decades-long history, we have yet to meet a girl who could not benefit from some type of outdoor adventure programming.
The majority of our girls say what surprised them the most after graduation was how much they missed being outdoors and participating in activities like hiking, camping, tent building and our therapeutic ropes course.

Outdoor Elements at E-Nini-Hassee
Throughout the year, your daughter will experience...
Ropes Course - Our certified ropes course facilitators provide opportunities for our girls to overcome fears, expand their comfort zones, improve their self-confidence, increase their trust in others, and improve problem-solving skills.
Therapeutic River Trips - Our girls go on yearly river trips on the Suwannee River for 7-14 days. This experience allows them to heighten their self-awareness, improve their self-trust and leadership, and increase their coping skills. These trips are group focused and allow the girls to become a strong member of a team.
Tent Building - Our girls play an integral part in every aspect of tent building around their campsite. Beginning with drafting and mathematical problems, to then cutting down and skinning trees, the girls then participate in digging holes and constructing the tent. They use problem solving, hard work ethic, and team building in order to create these structures. They build positive self-esteem in seeing their hard work pay off.
Therapeutic Backpacking Trips - Our girls who show personal achievement earn the ability to travel on backpacking trips. This has been an integral part of our program since the dawn of time and we have recently re-provided this opportunity for those looking for individualized achievement. This experiences allows our girls to overcome fears, surrender and accept feelings, increase their trust in others, and increase their positive life outlook.
Certifications - Our girls have the ability to be CPR / First Aid certified on property with on-staff professionals through the American Red Cross. We also provide Lifeguard and Advanced CPR certifications to our girls. These opportunities not only boost their confidence, but allow them to better stewards to their communities when they leave and provide job opportunities after graduation from the program.
And Much More.. - Our program is broken up into modules that rotate every six to eight weeks. Within these modules we not only provide these outdoor experiences but also arts, crafts, and music, community service, swim lessons, running, and games and initiatives. With all the diverse opportunities within the program, each girl finds and regains passions within a variety of outlets. Our girls also sleep in open-air cabins, or 'tents' throughout the year.