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of Camp
Camp E-Nini-Hassee is an Outdoor Therapeutic Program in Florida
Camp E-Nini-Hassee was founded in 1969 by Jack and Ruth Eckerd as the first outdoor therapeutic program for girls considered at-risk in the southeast. We provide a positive, strength-based environment for girls ages 12-18 to experience nurturing guidance.We help girls considered at-risk who are struggling with school, causing family conflicts, experimenting with drugs, experiencing depression, have low self-esteem, or are exhibiting emotional problems and behavioral issues.
Camp E-Nini-Hassee, which means 'Her Sunny Road' is located in Floral City, in central Florida. Our property consists of a wooded 860 acres in which we provide outdoor living in open-air cabins, or tents, in a base-camp model.
We have three groups of approximately 10 girls and 2 counselors that live within these open-air cabins. Our groups live with 3-4 girls at a time within these tents, with counselors in a separate tent nearby.

Watch a video from our Director on who we are and what we do!

Once you drive along our 1.5 mile road into our property you are met with our office. On the backside of our office we host our girls in what we call 'dining hall' for three meals a day, five days a week. Sometimes class and other activities are hosted in this area. We have offices and conferences rooms in this building, along with our kitchen. Our girls have what we call 'logs' or mini-tents for each group where they keep their belongings and spend downtime. We also have fields for group games, play equipment, a pool, and a garden 'uptrail'.

Our populations are split into three different groups, with on average ten girls in each group. This allots for confidentiality and a stronger group culture to provide individual and relational success. Each campsite consists of 4 sleeping tents, one for youth counselors or "chiefs". Campsites also include bathrooms, a tent for cooking and for family-style meals, a woodyard, and a weather-proof structure for emergencies.
Our girls cook their own meals on the weekends in their campsites. They cook on an open fire. The girls also participate in a morning and evening routine at 'pow-wow', where they set and evaluate their goals daily, as well as express what they are grateful for daily.

Other Areas Around Camp
Also on property is...
2 Lakes
Ropes Course
Shower House
Swimming Pool
'Chapel' - an area in the woods for group-led presentations
An old phosphate mine and old campsites for exploring