This time of year, many high school graduates are celebrating their accomplishments. Eckerd Connects E-Nini-Hassee congratulates the students and families who adjusted to the change and earned their diplomas. Admissions will continue all year at E-Nini-Hassee, allowing our students to work on both mental health treatment plans but also school credits. The Principal, Chief Gale Wire and Clinical Supervisor, Deb Richmond work together with the staff to celebrate each girl for her personal growth and educational achievements.
Parents are in attendance while the graduate has a ceremony of her very own. Her team takes turns speaking about her accomplishments and all the goals she achieved. Campers also stand up and offer words of encouragement to their fellow camper. It is a special time for each graduate as those who love her send her off to continue her journey. The graduate also creates a graduation speech and recites it to the whole camp. Many of these speeches refer to overcoming depression and anxiety or overcoming substance use while also going on to graduate from high school.
The staff has the unique ability to build up each girl so she can go on and achieve her dreams no matter how that journey starts when she arrives at camp. If some time from school was missed, the teachers work hard to recover those requirements. Sometimes we all need encouragement to help us over obstacles on the way to the finish line. Many girls arrive with a lack of confidence, and the staff is very patient in providing guidance. Evidence based therapeutic approaches and love help build up each girl when she may not believe in herself. Congratulations graduates of 2020! We look forward to the graduations we have scheduled in the months ahead.
